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Móra Ferenc Általános Iskola energiahatékonysági felújítása

2016. december 19. / 19th December 2016

A gyerekek tollából – Az ablakcsere

A Móra Ferenc Általános Iskola diákjai is megörökítették az energetikai felújítás különböző állomásait. Tóth Miklós negyedik osztályos tanuló az épületben zajló ablakcseréről írt.

Written by children – Better windows

One of the 10-year-old student of the school, Miklós Áron Tóth wrotes about the renovation work in the institution and its results in the following short writing:

I spent the first years of the school in a very friendly classrom which we formed more beautiful with the help of teachers, Móni and Zsuzsa year by year.

The wooden windows were already quite worn and overused. Therefore we welcomed the news when Zsuzsa announced that window replacement will be at the school. We found it hard to imagine that we will learn next to the workers but it turned out that we have to move the teacher’s room during the time of the window replacement.The days passed an exciting way in the lions’ den. During this time, it was easier to bear the inconveniences of the working.

Later, we were very pleased to come back to our classroom. The new windows are much more beautiful, energy efficient and more soundproofed than the previous ones. More light comes in through the window than before.

Source: the Blog of the school


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